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This page is dedicated to things that are cool in my opinion.

1. Salvador Dali's paintings

This one is called: The Temptation of Saint Anthony

I really love his art style, he is one of the best artist in my opinion.

I also love the method he was using for making his paintings. He wasn't seeping for a few days, then he sat on a stool with a spoon in his hand. When he fell asleep, the sound of the spoon hitting the floor woke him up and he started to write down his dreams. Then was turning his dreams into paingtings!

2. Music

I can't live without music, I really want to make my own but for now I can't do it.

This is my Spotify playlist, it contains almost every single music that I was enjoying for ~2 years. But since Spotify stopped working in Russia (you know why) I stopped updating it

3. Movies, films, cartoons etc.

I've been enjoying watching films lately, so here is a list of things I recomend you to watch:

List is here.

4. Video games

Video games are for sure one of the best ways to tell a story.
I am a profesionall gamer and I played many games.

List is here.

5. Different ways to write numbers and languages, ciphers.

I love ciphers, I even made a few of my own ones.
Also I developed a 3 programs that encode and decode messages in English.

If you want to get any of these dm me. BUT! I will not give you Total Encode, don't even try mate.

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